Growing into Box for Health: Alia Osseiran
A box. Something so simple. To make a box, one needs not much. Though, within that box, are elements of guidance, help, and compassion that can raise the existence of more through something so simple.
A box.
A symbolic beginning that's name appends with “for health”.
A Box for Health.
This beautiful concept fluttered through from the life of Alia Osseiran, who is the founder of Box for Health; a woman dedicated and almost destined to have found this path in life to bloom into.
As a young girl, Alia loved to do many things, including writing stories. Stories that as she specified were "...stories based on my life, without the constraints of physics". A symbolic thought that possibly seeded her future.
No constraints, even as a little girl and sprouting into a young woman, that “no constraint” mindset grew like a flower in the springtime into the many elements that lead her to the founding of Box for Health.
As with most plants, proper care, sunlight, and water is needed. Alia considers her mother to be her major root system, emphasizing "how inspirational and supportive my mother is of this project (and everything else that I do). She is the most generous person I know, and completely selfless when it comes to her children."
Watered with inspiration. Lighted with love. Cared for with kindness and encouragement.
This foundation of a steadfast and charitable heart remained through the years as Alia volunteered, while in elementary school, with her mother and sister to teach horsemanship and appreciate the gifts of giving back. Volunteerism and advocacy for help and to help to sprout out its leaves of hands to reach out.
Even while such beauties of thought feed into our hearts through her tremendous existence, hardships formed around her family’s constant movement. Within such younger years, that can play a role in one's growth, but the love of family and her mother remained steadfastly rooted in light with this quote from Alia: "But my mother always made sure we felt loved and instilled self-confidence in us."
These traits and rooted values are what subconsciously filtered into her mind even as a young one. Fluttering through the years that came into the blooming adulthood that rose like sunflower, brightly shining its beautiful views of life.
Alia welcomed more seeds of knowledge and experience within her educational endeavors. She received a BA in Biochemistry from the University of Washington, a Masters in Public Health, with a concentration in Epidemiology from Boston University, a Masters in Biomedical Sciences from Mississippi College, and is currently looking to finish a DMD from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 2022.
Even one of those universities and accomplishments would have been an incredible achievement, though her life seems to have always been meant for the extraordinary. Dipping her toes of thought into many universities, and education marvels. Gifting the connections within her mind, to beautify out more like Box for Health.
All these avenues helped her find the roads of thought that culminated in Box for Health. Responding to "Is there a need for Box for Health?"
Alia opens more eyes with some key information: "The WHO defines oral health as a key indicator of overall health, wellbeing, and quality of life. In Lebanon, more than 90% of children under 14 suffer from untreated dental caries."
90% of children under 14. That's an alarming statistic. Alia's call to action can be sensed inside this stat, pointing us back into her youth, and her desire to volunteer her life to help children and to become the mother for them that her mother was for her.
Lebanon holds a special place in her family's hearts. She notes, "My father is also very excited about the project and is so proud that we chose Lebanon as the first country. He was born in Saida, Lebanon and most of his side of the family still lives in Lebanon," furthering the motivation that helped her raise her life into the pinnacles of charitable entrepreneurship.
Watering lives with hopeful inspiration. Lighting the darkness with love, and encouraging through care, the horizon's tomorrow's that these children can finally know to become true.
Gifting them a future of smiles that she equates into one of her responses, "When it comes to oral health- it’s not just about teeth. It’s about your smile. Smiling is a superpower - you can light up a room, change someone's day, and even boost your own mood. Seriously, try it.".
"You have the power to advance children’s rights and transform their lives. ".
That's what Alia, Box for Health, and donors from across the globe can give to society; helping to advance children's rights and lives through a brighter smile.
One day at a time.
One heart at a time.
One box at a time.
Alia's existence awakens what can become of someone when life's growth is correctly watered with inspiration, unwaveringly lighted with love, and unconditionally cared and encouraged within any element of the paths of life.