Box for Beirut
On August 4th, 2020, a tragic explosion in Lebanon left us shattered. Prior to this horrific blast, an influx of refugees from the Syrian civil war, an electricity crisis, a rising poverty rate, and COVID-19 had exhausted the country and its health system. Now, with hundreds of people killed by the explosion, thousands injured, and 300,000 people displaced, Lebanon is hurting and vulnerable.
With the Box for Health initiative taking place in Lebanon, the board of Box for Health feels an ethical responsibility to deliver emergency relief to the country of Lebanon. Understanding the long healing process ahead for Lebanon, Box for Beirut was created as an emergency initiative to deliver essentials to Lebanon through local and global partners. These supplies may include necessary medication, clothes, food, hygiene products, and other essentials needed.
It is clear, especially during tragedies like this, that the world must come together to support one another. Love and kindness go a long way. If you are able, we encourage you to take a look at Box for Beirut and sponsor a box to send aid to Lebanon today.